
How We Work With Our Clients

Our approach has been formed over two decades of tracking behavioral change, asking the uncomfortable questions, and taking TPC Leadership’s clients through crisis, evolution and onto greater heights.
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How We Deliver on Our Promise

Laying a foundation for sustainable change.

1. We stay results-oriented

A different approach to leadership helps produces better organizations. Equally, better organizations enable and sustain different leaders. We want to capture that balance and learn from it.


We start all our interventions with an understanding of where your leaders and your organization stand. We use this information to help you plot a course for your journey. We also use it to assess outcomes, both in leadership behaviors and in business achievements, throughout the journey.

2. It's a whole-business approach

Our interventions are typically part of a wider approach to transformation, looking at the whole organization. We most often intervene in the following areas:
  • Articulation of purpose, vision & mission
  • Articulation of desired culture and associated behavioral expectations
  • Leadership development, often including various forms of individual coaching
  • Team performance acceleration, often including team coaching
  • Embedding leadership behaviors

3. We take your leaders inside-out

By lasering in on the source of mindsets and unconscious behaviors, we ensure that a leader’s development stands the test of time – translating from a personal to a relational, team and organization-wide impact.

  • We help leaders to:
  • Put a name to their values and what drives them
  • Build capacity to find meaning in the everyday
  • Never lose sight of their higher purpose

This personal to transpersonal approach takes people on a journey towards an environment where they empirically score higher on 360° assessments, create more meaningful relationships, become better organizational developers, and become oriented to more advanced sustainability strategies.



We help people to get clarity on who they are, their sense of purpose and how they can achieve what they want to achieve. Unless leaders build on a foundation of personal leadership – or self-leadership – they cannot hope to see enduring change elsewhere.



Relational leadership hinges on personal leadership but it involves others. We help leaders to examine how, through the way they behave, they influence and lead others with emotional intelligence to achieve goals together.



Team leadership is a matter of how people exercise relational leadership within the context of a group with formal authority dynamics, whether the team is self-organizing, part of a matrix organizational structure, or has a more traditional hierarchy.



We help people to examine and change how they interact with wider systems, particularly when they have a large sphere of influence due to a formal position or simply because of the far-reaching nature of their role or platform.”

4. Everything is grounded in real experience

Our leadership development interventions are never standalone projects or isolated processes. 20 years of coaching leaders has taught us that experiential learning is crucial to create sustainable outcomes.

  • Our clients benefit from an experiential learning cycle that may include:
  • Core competency workshops
  • On-the-job support
  • Structured outcome tracking
  • Structured learning journeys
  • Peer-to-peer learning
  • Technology that fosters continuous learning

Whether we’re enabling leaders to reach personal goals or teams to find synergy, our learning cycles are co-designed with you, so you can sustain the impact we create long after we have left.

Translating Our Framework to Our Services

While we structure our services around a number of core areas, our primary purpose is to work with you to construct a solution that meets your specific needs and goals.

Leadership Development

Give your people new capacity to lead, enabling them to self-develop, find deeper meaning in what they do, and rise to their potential.

Cultural Change

Address the wider paradigms and systems that influence your people, so you can reliably deliver on strategy in the face of uncertainty.

Executive Leadership

Walk with us to navigate disruption, get alignment, and articulate a story to inspire your people to go beyond what they’ve known before.

Open Enrolment Programs

Develop key management and leadership capabilities in people with diverse backgrounds through our accredited open enrolment programs.

Success Stories

We’ve worked with corporates, startups, medium-sized companies, non-profits, and public sector organizations across the globe.

Why TPC Leadership

For the last two decades, our people have been working with leading organizations to unpick unhelpful paradigms and systems, measure what matters, and create better outcomes for people, the planet and stakeholders.

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Let’s Talk

Our diverse team of experts over the globe has over 20 years’ experience of co-creating solutions to complex organizational challenges. Get in touch to see how we can help.
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